Osage LLC Provides Update Regarding Osage Nation Ranch LLC Operations
Osage LLC was established by the Osage Nation in 2008, to build economic prosperity for the Nation and its people. After assuming operation of the Ranch at Chief Standing Bear’s request in October 2021, Osage LLC dramatically improved production, resulting in profitability and a healthy cash position.
However, in 2022, the Nation began operating an additional venture alongside the for-profit Ranch operation, causing duplication, confusion and conflict regarding management of the Ranch property. Due to the continued interference and conflict of interest, the board has determined that it is not practical to operate the Ranch profitably under current circumstances. As such, on September 28, Osage LLC vacated the leases on the Osage Nation Ranch and Lost Creek and asked the Congress to appoint a new Ranch Board to govern operations or allow for Osage LLC to liquidate its cattle and return the Nation’s investment and all associated proceeds (estimated to be $5-6.5 million) to Osage Nation Congress.
The following statement of facts provides additional background information on Osage LLC general and Ranch operations:
In Fall 2021, at the personal request of Chief Standing Bear, Osage LLC assumed control of the Osage Ranch, Lost Creek Ranch, ONES LLC, Skyway 36 and the airport property.
The Osage LLC Board agreed to assume operations based on the Nation’s commitment to provide sufficient capital to position these ventures for long term success. However, the financial support was never provided.
Upon assuming oversight of these ventures, the Osage LLC Board encountered several obstacles, including cash flow challenges. Through responsible investment, strategic decision making and tighter spending controls, we have transformed business operations for each entity, and all today benefit from a strong cash position.
Upon acquiring the Osage Ranch, the Osage LLC Board kept Ranch board members Dr. Ladd Oldfied, Galen Grum and Hank Hinsinger as advisors for a one-year period to assist with the transition.
The Executive Branch has accused Osage LLC of doing irrevocable damage to the Nation’s land through spraying for invasive plant species, such as the Serisa Lespedeza, which will destroy any surrounding native plants. However, these projects were completed through signed contracts with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), and all but one of these agreements were signed and executed prior to the Board’s acquisition of the property in 2021.
The Osage LLC Board commends the actions of past board members to improve the Nations Ranch property. These efforts were honored in 2022 as the Osage Ranch was named the “Conservationist of the Year” by the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts. The “Conservationist of the Year” Award is a partnership award with the NRCS, a Federal Government Agency dedicated to saving our prairies.